goat breeding এর চিত্র ফলাফল

Without housing, the building up of heat in the body may be acute and the consciousness of increased body heat can be differ and may have side effects. Thus includes-
-Increased endocrine function
-Excessive excretion of sodium, potassium and water loss.
*** Saanen is not adapt without housing in tropical region because they love to stay in shady place and can not tolerate heavy sunlight. ( white  color)

Factors considered for general housing :
a)     Well lighting and ventilated system.
b)    Well drained system.
c)     Easily be cleaned system.
d)    Adequate space and well bedded system.
e)     Easily access to fed and
f)      Freedom to exercise.

Housing system of goat depends on –
a)     Hard size.
b)    System of rearing,
c)     System of feeding,
d)    Area / Regional ecosystem / Topography &
e)     Breeds reared.

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