Image result for vivaBoard: Abidur Reza Chowdhury
Date : 2011
Duration: 13-15 mins
Cadre type: Both (General and Professional)

Choice list:
  1. BCS administration
  2. BCS Customs
  3. BCS General Education ( English)

May I come in sir?
Board: Yes come in, sit down please.
Board: Would you please introduce yourself?
………………………..(From my answer , board came to know that I was a student of madrasha background)
Board: Why did you study in madrasha?
Board: Tell something about your madrasha campus.
……………………………………………………………….(in my answer I told a sentence that our madrasha campus is free from political violence. After finishing my answer board commented that actually your madrasha is involved with political violence and riot , if it is not, you never said that your madrasha campus is free from political violence.)
Board: What is the name of the first Surah of the holy Quran?
Board: What kinds of subjects are studied in madrasha?
Board: What is your first choice?
Board: What is the difference between local government and local administration?
Board: Who is the chief of a district to keep law and order?
Ans: Deputy Commissioner
Board: If D.C is the chief, what is the duty of S .P ?
Ans: S.P helps the D. C to keep to keep and order law.
Board: Why did you choose customs as your second choice? Why not English?
Ans: I will play a vital role to collect role to collect revenue for the country.
Board: (being angry) ok, tell what percent of total revenue is earned from Chittagong sea port.
Board: Who discovered Bangla channel and where it is situated?
……………………………………………(I could not)
Board: Where is English Channel situated and what is its length?
……………………………I could tell. ( Board commented that it is a matter of sorrow that you know about English Channel but don’t know Bangla channel)
Board: Do you know where Mediterranean Sea is located?
Board: Who is the chief of national parliament?
Board: Tell the name of some books of William Shakespeare which were not included in your academic syllabus.
……………………………….(I told some books but board argued that these were in syllabus.)
Board: Tell the name of some English authors and their books which were not included in university syllabus.
……………………………………………………………………..(as I mentioned Things Fall Apart, they asked me the theme of this book)

Prepared by: Md. Abdus Salam
MA in English, SUST
Final Result of 30th BCS: Non-Cadre


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