tips এর চিত্র ফলাফল
This is one subject where you can easily ensure 90+ marks out of hundred. There are always
one or two papers where the questions are unusual/out of pattern/very tough. For example, in
27th BCS the science question was quite tough as they asked to draw the circuit ,which is
totally unexpected for non-science graduates like me. In 28th BCS, Bangladesh 2nd paper
was fully based on constitution which is very unfair to the non-law students. When these
things happens, the only way to save yourself from complete disaster is to do really well in
mathematics and analytical ability. Good marks in this exam might save you from the
shortage in any other paper.
For mathematics, the first thing you should do is to solve the previous year’s question papers.
By doing this you will be able to understand what kind of math they ask you to solve. For last
2 BCS exams they have asked to solve only 5 maths questions in 2 hours which was not very
tough. However, if they ask you to solve 10 questions within the same time, it will be tough
for you to solve unless you practice really well. If you practice maths 1 or 2 hours everyday,
it is almost sure that you will get 50 out of 50. So, buy any guide (Professors/Oracle/MP3)
and solve it from A to Z. You should buy the old “Patigonit” book of class 9-10 and solve the
entire algebra part with examples given in that book. Examples from the old text book are
very important as they prepare you to solve confusing algebra questions in the most accepted
way. You can use “Gonit-BCS”(Shikkha-Sagor Publications) as the solution for the old
textbook. Remember, I am not advertising any particular book , any good book should be
enough for your preparation. It is not necessary to buy the books that I mentioned above.
Whatever book you use, please try to practise in such a way so that you get full marks in the
mathematics part.
It has been a trend of BCS analytical test to ask questions from the GRE book. You should
solve all the analogy/sentence completion/synonym/antonym questions from GRE big book.
It has a massive collection of questions so by solving it you can be quite confident about
doing well in these questions. IBA’s BBA/MBA questions can also be a very good sources
for practice.Go to Neelkhet and buy any BBA and MBA preparation guide where you will
have all the questions of previous exams.Tell them to give you the GRE Bigbook too.
Vocabulary part is the tough one in the analytical exam-if you do well in this part you can
easily get 40+ marks. For other questions, buy any BCS Analytical ability guide and solve it
(generally maths and analytical ability are put together) .Try to use your own judgment while
finding the answers as these guides have billions of mistakes.
Remember dear candidates, by practising only 1 or 2 hours a day you can get 90+ out of 100
in this paper-which is impossible in any other subject.Try to use this as an advantage and do
your homework well. These maths are very easy and even the weakest mathematics student
can get full marks if he just practise well.
( Due to shortage of time I am stopping here. I will gradually write about the preparation for
other subjects one by one and add them in this post. I plan to write about Science and
Technology paper. Any suggestion/criticism/discussion is welcome!)
Mashroof Hossain

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