tips এর চিত্র ফলাফল
To be a good writer you must read first. Read English comics, newspapers, whatever you feel
like. I read it in a book which is very true: "Nobody became dumber by reading". If you read
a lot, you will unknowingly find that writing correct English is not very tough.
Start with English Newspapers, second-hand English novels found in Nilkhet, Archie Comics
or whatever you feel like. Read, read and read- this is the only way through which your
subconscious mind will prepare a very strong English base for you. If you read a lot, after
couple of months you will find that you are writing correct English automatically, your
subconscious mind will help you to write complex yet correct sentences without any extra
As a BCS candidate you need to know what is going on around you, for which English
newspaper (Daily Star/Independent/new Age etc) can be really helpful. From today onwards,
spend at least 30 minutes a day in reading. I can guarantee that you will feel the change in
you after 30 days. The number of unknown words in reading will be reduced dramatically
and it will be fun for you to read.
To achieve the level of writing simple and correct English, you should start writing at least 3
pages a day everyday. Select any topic and write 3-5 pages everyday.You can start with easy
topics like "My family","Why I want to join civil service" and then gradually write about
serious topics like "How to fight terrorism", "Economic development in Bangladesh" etc.
After you have finished writing, take a red pen and revise what you have written. Point out
the mistakes in spelling/grammar and try to avoid it in your next writing. You can take help
from your teacher or anyone who has a good command in English to point out your mistakes.
While writing on a topic, you will face difficulty in expressing what you are thinking. This is
exactly why you need to write 3-5 pages because you will face the same difficulty in the BCS
exam. By continuing writing 3-5 pages everyday, your fear about writing on an unknown
topic will be gone and your writing will be smooth. Once you have the smoothness, English
exam will be your biggest friend in getting you your desired cadre.

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