Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Woodrow Wilson Fellowships support the development of future leaders at a variety of career stages in several critical fields. 
Funds study abroad in critical languages for contracted or non-contracted Army ROTC, Air Force ROTC, Naval ROTC students on track to commission through ROTC from any university or college in the United States.
The Foundation for Global Scholars
Several awards between $500 and $2500 are given annually.
Fund for International Education
Awards up to $10,000 for American students enrolled at US institutions.
Tortuga Backpacks Study Abroad Scholarship
This program awards $1000 for American students enrolled full-time as an undergraduate student in good academic standing at a four-year, degree-granting college or university in the US.
The Global Studies Grant
This grant annually provides a supplemental grant of $1000 for American students who already are studying abroad under the auspices of an official study abroad program conducted by an accredited academic institution.
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad
The fraternity Phi Kappa Phi offers $1000 study abroad grants. Any student of a university with a Phi Kappa Phi chapter is elligible (you needn't be a member of the fraternity to apply).
Global Scientists and Engineers
The National Science Foundation offers funds for international research and study to undergrads, grad students and doctoral students in science and engineering fields.
The Thomas J. Watson Fellowship
These fellowships offer several $25,000 awards to recent college grads to spend a year perusing independent, purposeful travel in international settings new to them. Your university must be a participating institution and must nominate you first.
The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship
These fellowships, which are available to Junior-year undergraduates and those applying to Master's programs seek to recruit talented students in academic programs relevant to international affairs, political and economic analysis, administration, management, and science policy.
Zip Conferencing Scholarship
Zip awards $2,500 to students studying business or communication related studies.
Rotary District Grants
District grants can be used to sponsor university students studying any subject, either locally or abroad. In addition, the scholarship may cover any length of time — from a six-week language training program to a year or more of university study.
TEACH Grants
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant provides up to $16,000 in upfront tuition assistance to students who commit to becoming foreign language teachers.
Federal Student Aid (FSA)
There are many other types of Federal Student Aid, including Pell Grants, Perkins Loans, PLUS Loans, the GI Bill, and Stafford Loans.

See other post of UnivNotes for More scholarship.

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