pathology এর চিত্র ফলাফল

Liquefaction necrosis is the type of necrosis in which rapid action of hydrolytic enzymes occurs when autolysis and heterolysis prevail over denaturation of cellular proteins.

Liquefaction necrosis occurs in-
      Central nervous system (Brain and spinal cord),
      Some parts of tuberculous lung.

      Autolysis and/or heterolysis,
      Pyogenic bacteria.

Gross lesions:
      The necrotic area forms cavities of varying degrees in size and shape.
      Fluid is present in the cavities and the colour of the fluid varies depending on the tissue disintegrated.
      Dystrophic calcification may occur.

Microscopic lesions:
      Empty space is without any definitive lining, edges are frayed and irregular.
      There may be pink staining proteinaceous mass in the cavity.
Calcification and encapsulation may be present

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