I am starting this thread to post notes of journalism. A major work is done by myself however few topics are copied from internet, whose sources I don't remember. due credit goes to the contributors as well. I am working on these noteses and will keep posting as they get prepared.

Journalism এর চিত্র ফলাফল

Journalism is a profession of writing for newspaper and magazines.
Two important works are done:
1. collection of news
2. dissemination of information
Journalist: One who is attached to the profession of journalism is called journalist.

Importance of Journalism:

Journalism is an import profession. Its importance can not be denied in modern world. It is universally acknowledged that pen is mightier than sword. Journalism is highly important because

1. It protects society from aggression.
2. It becomes the voice of society and don’t let any one to exploit it.
3. It protects human rights.
4. It serves a s mirror and project the images of politician and leaders etc.
5. It challenges act of autocracy and dictatorship
6. World has become global village, people stay connected through mass media around the world.

Consumers of journalism:

1. Public masses
2. government
3. NGO’s
4. Organizations
5. youngsters
6. professionals
7. businessman
8. students etc

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