A and B are co-dominant genes but dominant over O
GenesPossible genotypePhenotype
AAA or AOBlood group A
BBB or BOBlood group B
OOBlood O
A and BAB onlyBlood group AB
What is the possible genotype of off springs from a marriage between a man of blood group A and a woman of blood group B?
Possible genotype of the father:  AA and AO and that of the mother: BB and BO
Parents            Mother            X                        father
Genotype                 B  B                                            A A
                                        Random fertilization
 F1generation        AB       AB                                   AB                         AB

Blood group B
Blood group A
ParentsMotherXFatherOff springs

AA                →all AB

AA                →AB, AB, AO,AO

AO               →AB, AB, BO, BO

AO               →AB, BO, AO, O

There fore the possible blood groups of the F1 children are: A, B, AB and O
  1. In a mixed day school, Angela got pregnant and she is of blood group B, Kapere a fellow student was accused to be responsible for her condition, which he denied. Angela gave birth to bouncing baby boy of blood group O.  As an investigation was done Kapere was un cooperative and his blood group would not be discovered, but both his parents were of blood group A. Work out to find whether kapere would be the likely father of the baby.
  2. A woman of blood group A claims that a man of blood group AB is the father of her child. A blood test reveals that the child’s blood group is O. is it possible that the woman’s claim is correct? Could the father have been of blood group B? Explain your reasoning.


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