e coli bacteria এর চিত্র ফলাফলImportant Properties of E. coli
  1. Gram staining test: Gram Negative short rods
  2. Most abundant facultative anaerobe in colon and feces
  3. Lactose fermenter (This property distinguishes it from Salmonella and Shigella-two most common intestinal pathogen)
  4. Antigenic properties: There are more than 1000 antigenic types of Escherichia coli. 
    a. O-Cell wall antigens (>150 types)
    b. H- Flagellar antigen (>50 types)
    c. K- capsular antigen (>90 types)

Features of E.coli which helps for Laboratory diagnosis
  1. E.coli, ferments lactose and produces pink colonies in MacConkey Agar.  (E.coli O157:H7) does not ferment sorbitol, which serves as an important criterion that distinguishes it from other strains of E.coli
  2. On EMB agar, E coli produces characteristics green sheen
  3. Indole positive: produces indole from tryptophan
  4. It decarboxylates lysine
  5. it uses acetate as only source of carbon
  6. It is motile
 e coli bacteria এর চিত্র ফলাফল

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