A.            Last times                                1.             Kingdom Monera: Class Cyanobacteriae (Class Cyanobacteria (cyano))                                2.             Kingdom Protista: Phylum Euglenophytya (euglena), Phylum Chromophyta (Class Chrysophyceae and Class Bacillariophyceae (silica)), and Phylum Dinophyta (pirate boat)                B.            This period                                1.             Kingdom Protista: Phylum Rhodophyta (red), Phylum Chlorophyta (chlorophyll), Phylum Chromophyta (Class Phaeophyceae (fart))                C.            Phylum Rhodophyta (red algae - red): mostly marine - use agar for food                                1.             Eucaryotic, cellulosic walls, puzzling animatronics cycles                                2.             Found at massive depths                                3.             Used in agar, in baked goods to prevent ventilation out and giving out of icing, as an ice cream thickener, and in toothpaste                D.            Phylum Chlorophyta (green algae - chlorophyll): photosynthetic pigments same to that of nature                                1.             Green algae found predominantly in spacious water                                2.             Contain chlorophyll a and b, cellulosic walls, and stored starch                                3.             Ancestors of in addition to natural world?                                4.             Diverse morphology - unicellular, filamentous, colonial, sheetlike                E.            Phylum Chromophyta (Class Phaeophyceae) (brown algae - fart): largest algae, used as food                                1.             Brown algae that contain cellulose in cell wall                                2.             Largest algae, conducting stuff from above (near sun) to knocked out                                3.             Most obscure algae                                4.             Dominant generation, in some cases, is diploid.

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