Pelvic girdle/bony cavities:
Image result for Pelvic girdle/bony cavitiesIt is formed by two os-coxae(illium+ischium+pubis)or hip bones,sacrum and first few caudal vertebrae.
Pelvic inlet: It is formed-
*Dorsally by cranial border of sacrum
*Laterally by shaft of Ilium
*Ventrally cranial border of pubic bone.
Thoracic inlet:Is formed-
*Dorsally by first thoracic vertebra
*Laterally by first pair of ribs
*Ventrally by manubrium of sternum
Thorasic case/bony thorax:is formed-
*Dorsally by series of thorasic vertebra
*Laterally by 13 pairs of ribs

*Ventrally by sternum


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