Generalized reproduction
                A.            Asexual:  spore formation - from mitosis (called mitospores)
                B.            Sexual:  spore formation - from meiosis (called meiospores)
                                1.             Sporophyte:  diploid plant
                                2.             Meiocytes:  cells that undergo meiosis
                                3.             Gametangia:  where gametes are produced
                                                a)            Antheridium:  sperm-producing gamete
                                                b)            Oogonium:  egg-producing cell
                                4.             Sexual life cycles - algae have representatives in each
                                                a)            Typical algae & fungi - zygotic (most life is haploid)
                                                b)            Plants - sporic (half of life is haploid)

                                                c)             Animals - gametic (most life is diploid)
More on reproduction
                A.            Asexual - can be vegetative or by spores
                B.            Generalized sexual:  gametes ==> diploid zygote ==> meiosis - meiospores ==> gametophyte ==> gametes in gametangia
                                1.             Isogamy - gametes are identical (what you see is the same)
                                2.             Anisogamy - gametes are not identical (can "see" the difference)
                                3.             Oogamy - antheridia produce sperm and oogonia produce egg
                C.            Types of life cycles
                                1.             Algae typically show zygotic (Chlorophyta); gametic (Chromophyta / Chrysophyceae) - diatoms); and sporic (Chromophyta / Phaeophyceae)
                                2.             In zygotic, the zygote is the only diploid cell (example - green algae)
                                3.             In gametic, meiotic division directly leads to formation of gametes (diatoms)
                                4.             In sporic, there is alternation between haploid and diploid generations (example - a brown alga - Fucus)
                                                a)            Haploid generation is a bunch of cells, diploid generation is big (conspicuous)
                                                b)            Thallus (diploid) - has cavities called conceptacles
                                                c)             Conceptacles have microsporangia and megasporangia
                                                d)            Meiosis forms haploid microgameteophyte and megagametophyte - these gametophytes are distinct haploid "plants"
                                                e)             They divide some more, reproduce, and release fertilized eggs

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