Frequency tables - discrete data and summary statistics
A frequency table and graph are summaries of the results of an activity. You can use these tables or graphs to discover or estimate the:
  • mode;
  • median;
  • mean;
  • quartiles; and
  • inter-quartile range.
These are the results from 20 rolls of a die. Fill in the key summary statistics for this data once you have made the calculation
Die resultFrequency

Total = 20
Mode = ?
Mean = ?
Lower quartile = ?
Median = ?
Upper quartile = ?
Interquartile range = ?
Possible answers
Which score occurs most often? The mode = 2.
Add up all the values and divide by 20 (the number of rolls of the die). Mean = 3.6.
Which score has 25% of the results below it? Lower quartile = 2.
Which score is the middle value? For 20 scores the middle value is between the tenth and eleventh score in order from the lowest to highest. Median = 3.5.
Which score has 75% of the results below it? Upper quartile = 5.
What is the difference between the upper and lower quartiles? Interquartile range = 3.

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