Doctoral Researcher Positions  Hans-Knll-Institut Jena  Jena

Open Positions16
Time Span01 Nov 2015 for 3 years (Every year there are some opportunities. If you missed the deadline this year, aspire for the by now year!)
Application Deadline07 Sep 2015
Type of Position
PhD  Individual Supervisor
Field of Research
Mathematics / Natural Sciences
SubjectsNatural Sciences, Life Sciences, Physics or related fields
DescriptionThe Leibniz ScienceCampus InfectoOptics now invites applications for
16 Doctoral Researcher Positions (TV-L E13)Information approximately the individual projects is easy to get to at
We apportion:
 a highly communicative look within a scientific network providing peak-level research facilities
 a doctoral school incline funded for three years as expertly as generous basic research funding/
 a collective mentoring program once paperwork by a team of advisors
 Membership at the Excellence Graduate School Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC), currently encompassing concerning 135 dedicated doctoral researchers and providing a pinnacle-level PhD training program in the by now courses in own happening-of-the-art research technologies and soft skills


 Jena  City of Science: a juvenile and lively town moreover functioning matter actions, affluent scientific centers of lead and a full of moving picture cultural scene in the works for the competently-known Friedrich Schiller UniversityThe LSC InfectoOptics gloves institutions are equal opportunity employers. We furthermore customary applications from disabled persons.

RequirementsWe expect:

 a Masters degree (or equivalent) in Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Physics or connected fields. Candidates more or less to earn their degree are permissible plenty to apply.
 high dream and amalgamated to member one of the interdisciplinary research areas of InfectoOptics
 creativity and movement to move your own thesis project
 an integrative and obliging personality behind readiness for actively participating in the Community of the Leibniz ScienceCampus
 totally enjoyable communication skills in English

Working Language
Language of Dissertation
Required Documents
Reports, certificates
Letter of Motivation
List of Publication
Others : Letter of Recommendation
More Information


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