Scholarships administered by University:
For Gates and Cambridge Trust scholarships, you apply by submitting a Graduate Application (GRADSAF) to the University by the dates shown.  However some scholarships will also require you to make an additional application, to the relevant funding partner of the Trust - please use the scholarship search to find the awards from the Trust for which you may be eligible and read the information about each scholarship carefully.
Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK  with a capacity for leadership and a commitment to improving the lives of others to pursue a full time Postgraduate course at Cambridge.  
To be considered you must tick the relevant box on the Gradsaf when you apply for your chosen course of study, and highlight how you feel you meet the selection criteria with practical examples of any leadership roles or evidence of humanitarian commitment where possible .   It is also highly recommended that you submit an additional Research proposal (1 side A4) with your application, please liaise with your Supervisor to produce this.
Deadlines to apply: 12th October 2016 (US residents) and 7th December 2016 (International).
The Cambridge Trust awards approximately 500 scholarships annually to selected students at PhD, Masters and undergraduate level, in all subjects. Of these, about one-third are full-cost. The principal channel for funding for international students at Cambridge, the Trust works with more than 80 funding partners to enhance the range of scholarships available, and aspires to support as many outstanding students as possible.
Deadlines to apply: 7 December 2016 (International applicants), 4th January 2017 (Home/EU applicants)

Funding database: 
Other scholarships and bursaries including some specific to Life Sciences and the deadlines attached to them can be found using theBoard of Graduate Studies searchable funding database. (Note that for MPhil in this Department you should use the Research Courses button of this tool).

Funded PhD Programmes:
BBSRC DTP:  Applications usually open in October with deadline to apply 1st December.   This 4 year  programme incorporates some generic researcher training and  two lab rotation projects in the first 6 months.  One of the rotation projects should be with your preferred supervisor and project. 
MRC DTP:  (3.5 yr studentship):  Applications open from early October for entry in the following October, deadline to apply early December. 
Wellcome Trust (1+3 yr studentship): – applications open 1st October for entry the following October with deadline to apply early January.  First year (MRes) incorporates lab rotations and some taught component. 

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