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Brief description:
The Skoll MBA Scholarship is a competitive scholarship for incoming MBA students who pursue entrepreneurial solutions for urgent social and environmental challenges. The Scholarship provides funding and exclusive opportunities to meet with world-renowned entrepreneurs, thought-leaders and investors.
Host Institution(s):
Said Business School at University of Oxford, UK.
Field of study:
Full-time Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Number of Awards:
Up to 5 every year
Target group:
Home/international students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship covers the full costs of tuition and college fees for the MBA programme as well as partial living expenses based on need, up to an additional £8,000.
To be considered, you need to meet the following criteria:
  1. Candidates must have started and grown a social venture that has been running for at least 3 years by the time they apply for the MBA, OR they have been responsible for leading a major expansion of an existing social venture or programme within a venture for 3 years by the time they apply for the MBA.
  2. Candidates must demonstrate evidence of personal qualities strongly resonating with entrepreneurial leadership, and illustrate how these have influenced their career path thus far. These qualities include:
  • • Single-mindedness and persistence in pursuit of a social/environmental benefit goal, including a willingness to face failure and start again
  • • A tendency to explore the environment for opportunities and resources
  • • A willingness to take personal, and sometimes financial, risks.
  • • A propensity to develop networks and draw upon their members to pursue mutual goals.
  1. Candidates must demonstrate how a business education can contribute to the wider development of the community within which they work. They will need to illustrate why a business degree at this stage of their career trajectory can help them amplify their impact.
  2. Candidates must demonstrate some evidence of their need for the Scholarship. This may be exhibited, for example, in previous work experiences or personal backgrounds which make self-funding the MBA a significant financial burden.
Application instructions:
To apply for the Skoll Scholarship you first need to apply and be accepted onto the Saïd Business School’s MBA programme. Candidates must apply in stages 1-3 of the MBA admissions process for the 2017-18 academic year.
To be considered for the scholarship, you must tick the “Skoll Scholarship” box when you submit your MBA application. Once you’ve received confirmation that you have been accepted onto the MBA programme, the Skoll Centre will send you a link to the Scholarship online application which you will need to complete.
It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website:

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