Veterinary Science Scholarships, 2017

Veterinary Science Scholarships are available at all academic levels i.e. undergraduate, graduate and PhD. Veterinary Science is the study of diagnosing, treating and curing the various types of diseases in birds and animals. After getting degree in Veterinary Science you can choose to work with the government animal husbandry departments, poultry farms, dairy farms, private and government veterinary hospitals and clinics, wildlife sanctuaries etc. Students with an interest in pursuing a veterinary career can apply for a variety of scholarships that are available through private foundations or academic sources and universities and colleges. By availing the scholarships and grants students can develop skills and knowledge and can pursue their higher education. Veterinary students must fulfill the eligibility criteria to be eligible for the grants. The awards can cover tuition costs and other related expenses. Here is a list of scholarships below. Go through it and avail the opportunities.

Edinburgh Global Online Distance Learning Veterinary Science ScholarshipsUniversity of Edinburgh is offering 6 online distance learning scholarships for studying one of eligible master’s programmes within the College of Humanities and Social Science, College of Science and Engineering and College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first class or 2:1 Honours degree at undergraduate level or the international equivalent. Each scholarship will have a total value of £5,000 which will be deducted from the tuition fee for the entire part-time programme of study. The application deadline is 3rd June 2016.
Joseph Lister Veterinary Science Scholarships
College of medical, veterinary and life sciences is offering 5 scholarships worth £10,000 each towards the tuition fee of a one year Masters programme. The Veterinary Science scholarships will be awarded to applicants from Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico or Thailand.
St. George’s University Veterinary Science Scholarships
The University offers Veterinary Science scholarships which are designed to recognize academic excellence and provide access to the best and brightest students. US citizens can apply for these Veterinary Science scholarships. The application deadline is July 1 for class commencing in August.
Bings Veterinary Science Scholarship
Te Pkai Tara University of New Zealand is funding Veterinary Science scholarship for the New Zealand students. The value of each award shall be $2,000 per annum. Each award shall be tenable for one year and that year shall be the thesis year of a master’s degree. The closing date of applications is 1 October each year.
AVMF Veterinary Science Scholarship Program
The American Veterinary Medical Foundation awards scholarships to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students attending AVMA accredited colleges of veterinary medicine in the United States or Caribbean. Applicants must be residents of the United States. Veterinary Science Scholarships amount $2,500. Applications will be available in February 2015.
Miriam E. Wippell Veterinary Science Scholarships
Veterinary Science Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate degree at University of Queensland. Scholarship worth $350 will be awarded for a period of five years. Australian, New Zealand and international students can apply for these Veterinary Science scholarships. The application deadline is 1 April 2014.
Clutha Veterinary Association Tertiary Bursaries
University of Massey is funding two tertiary bursaries, each of a value of $1,000 per year, will normally be awarded annually to students. Bursaries will be awarded on the basis of need as well as academic attainment. Last date of submitting applications is March 31, 2014.
AGCARM Veterinary Science Scholarship
Massey University is offering AGCARM Veterinary Science Scholarship. The Scholarship shall be awarded annually and shall have a value of $2,500. Students of New Zealand can apply for this Veterinary Science scholarship. Last date of submitting applications is 31st March 2014.
Northern Southland Veterinary Science Scholarship
Massey University is offering Veterinary Science scholarship for New Zealand students. The Study grant will be open to students who are in their fourth year of study in Veterinary Science. The study grant amounts $2,000. The study grant will be for a two-year period and will be awarded annually as funds permit. Applications close 28 March 2014.
Click the scholarship name for more information.
All the Best!!

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