- Summer
- Put all your grass clippings between the rows during the summer and till it into the soil in the fall.
- All the kitchen scraps are collected and buried in the soil during the summer, fall, winter, and spring.
- Fall
- In the fall of the year rake up all the leaves you can find from your yard and anyone who doesn’t want their leaves. Note: don’t put walnut tree leaves on your garden. They are toxic to the soil. I add leaves every year and then watch the soil improve.
- Use a chipper and grind up all the tomato plant vines, squash vines, corn stalks, and all the other plants that are hard to till. Then rototill this organic fertilizer into the soil so it can decompose during the winter.

- Spring
- In the spring, use the chipper and grind up all the raspberry, grape, and blackberry canes. You can also add the tree limbs from your spring pruning. The chips are tilled into the soil. Remember to add a little extra nitrogen. This helps in decomposing this organic matter.
- Every year the soil gets more mellow and loamy than it was before you added this free organic matter.
- Add decomposed manure along the row to be planted. (Use about 2 large wheel barrows for every 50 foot row). If you have fresh manure, let it sit for a year before sprinkling it on your garden. Fresh manure is too strong for your plants.
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