pH Levels

Have your soil tested if you’re not sure of its pH level. A good average is about 6.0 – 6.5 pH. Keep in mind that each plant has it own unique optimum pH level.
For example: Blueberries thrive in types of soils of 4.5 - 5.0 pH.
Acidic Soil

Types of soil generally found more in the eastern states where there’s a heavier rainfall. To make your soil more alkaline, burn your vines, stalks, or branches on your garden from your yard. The ash creates an alkaline condition. You can also lime your soil to make it more alkaline. This is for Eastern soils not for Western Soils.
Alkaline Soil

Types of soil generally found more in the western soils. Your composting fruits are going to make your soil more acidic. We put our apple pulp on the garden after pressing our apple cider. You still want to compost in Eastern soils.
Elemental sulfur is also very beneficial for your soil. Elemental sulfur is converted into sulfuric acid by the activities of certain soil bacteria. This acidifies the soil. This is for Western soils.


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