UK Government Scholarships

Chevening Scholarships

Chevening Scholarships, the UK government’s global scholarship programme, are awarded to outstanding scholars from Chevening-eligible countries around the world. Awards are typically for a one-year Master’s degree. Most Chevening Scholarships cover tuition fees, a living allowance at a set rate (for one individual), an economy class return airfare to the UK, and additional grants to cover essential expenditure.

Commonwealth Scholarships

The Commonwealth Scholarships are intended for students from developing Commonwealth countries who wants to pursue Master’s and PhD study in the UK. These scholarships are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID).  Each Scholarship provides airfare to and from United Kingdom, tuition and examination fees, personal maintaining allowance, thesis grant (if applicable), initial arrival allowance, among others.

UK University scholarship

ISH-London Met Scholarship Scheme

London Metropolitan University and International Students House (ISH) offers a joint scholarship programme for international students from selected countries who wish to pursue a Master’s Degree Programme at the University.   The scholarship programme offers a full tuition fee scholarship and includes one year’s free accommodation at International Students House.

Edinburgh Global Masters Scholarships 

The University of Edinburgh offers a number of scholarships to non-EU students for postgraduate Masters study in any subject offered by the University. Each scholarship will have a value of £3,000 and will be tenable for one academic year.

Bristol University International Office Scholarships

The University of Bristol is offering five International Office Scholarships for new international students who wish to pursue an undergraduate degree at the University.  The scholarships are worth £8,500 which can go towards your tuition fee.

University of West London International Ambassador Scholarships

The International Ambassador Scholarship recognizes and provides financial support for outstanding students who wish to pursue a full time undergraduate or postgraduate degree at University of West London. The scholars will act as international ambassadors for the University of West London.  Up to 50 scholarships worth up to £5,000 are available.

University of West England Global Student Scholarships

The University of the West of England, Bristol offers more than £100,000 worth of scholarships for international students each year.  This includes the Global Student Scholarship wherein the recipient will be required to undertake an internship working within the Global Student Support.  The scholarship covers the full tuition fee.

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