Social stratification is the divisions of a population into two or more layers ,each of which is relatively homogeneous and between which there are differences in privileges, restrictions, rewareles and obligations, stratification involves rank differention and constitutes an order of ranking on the basis of relative position within the ratin__ system operating in society.
Determinats of social stratification:
Some societies occupation, income and health, education are considered in other societies, ownership of landed property , ancestry, and family name may be most important; in still oters education,caste, creed and power or influence with authorities may rank high as social value.
Despit the variation , esteem , disapproval arecommon in societies there is some determinants or factors of status as follwing in Bangladesh:-
1.Wealth:----in some form as recognised by society--measured in quantity or assessed in quality. living standards displayed and the source of wealth is also significant.
2.Ancestry:--referring to the family reputation,length of residence in the area, legitimacy or illegitimacy, racial or ethnic background and nationality.
3.Functional utility of the individual:---- his  occupation as executive, teacher, scientist,unskilled labourer, skilled craftsman.
4.Religion:---the kind and degree of religion professed and practiced.All societies include some attitude towards the supernatural expressed in the form of a religion with sets of beliefs and rituals,
5.Biological characteristics:---including both age and sex. Adulthood is valued more than infancy and childhood in most of the societies ,and males are accorded higher status than females in many societies. Closely related to both age and sex is physical beauty according to standards defined by the society.


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