Punnett Square Approach to a Monohybrid Cross
When fertilization occurs between two true-breeding parents that differ in only one characteristic, the process is called a monohybrid cross, and the resulting offspring are monohybrids. Mendel performed seven monohybrid …Read More
Morphology of Red Chitagong cattle
The length, height and the heart girth was 127±2.59 cm, 121±2.18 cm and 108±5.14 cm in male Cattle and 103±3.56 cm, 102±3.34cm and 134±4.21 cm in female Cattle. The horn, ear and teat pattern were almost simil…Read More
Mendel's studies in pea plants implied that the sum of an individual's phenotype was controlled by genes (or as he called them, unit factors): every characteristic was distinctly and completely controlled by a si…Read More
Garden Pea Characteristics Revealed the Basics of Heredity
To fully examine each of the seven traits in garden peas, Mendel generated large numbers of F1 and F2 plants, reporting results from 19,959 F2 plants alone. His findings were consistent.
What results did Men…Read More
Amino Acids
Structure of an Amino Acid
Amino acids are the monomers that make up proteins. Each amino acid has the same fundamental structure , which consists of a central carbon atom, also known as the alpha (α) carbon…Read More
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