It is as usual that administration is the first choice to tens of thousands of brilliant students especially the women who prefer it to others as it unveils the scopes for them to take part in the main stream of the society directly. You have to read the topics covering the areas of the nature of administration of the country, its classification, its different spheres and the duties of the official belonging to those stages, history of Bangladesh (1947-71) elaborately especially the facts and events which are remarkable to accelerate the liberation war of our country, about Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family members, economic review-2011, budget, map pointing mainly the location of rivers in different districts, practice some important burning issues which you asked to tell for five or ten minutes like global warming, traffic jam,women empowerment, millennium development goals or introduce yourself, your academic background, your district etc., about the names of different ministers and secretaries assigned to respective ministries along with the name of the present cabinet minister, about your district in details especially the name of DC,SP,upazila chairman, UNO,MP of your locality. . According to past records of 28th to 31st BCS we come to know that even a student is asked only about his own subject though he is belonging to the category of both cadres. After great deal of judgment I come to conclusion that there is no specific syllabus of the BCS rather the way of dealing of a candidate covering the quality of leadership, I.Q, intelligence, skill in speaking are tactfully tested by the viva-board. To please the board of members you always place your answer very smartly and precisely with sound language, in-sha- Allah surely you would be able to scratch in the mind of board members positively that results in good outcome to materialize your dream in reality.
1)BCS, being the most challenging and attractive job is now drawing more attention to the bright students of this nation. Cadre choice is one of the most important options on which many questions asked to a candidate by the board of members.
2)In broadly analyze it is seen that most of the students now-a-days prefer admin to any cadre because the socio-economic aspects of the country agrees to the fact that admin cadres play a vital role to implement the strategy and policy taken by the govt. to grass root level of the country. Considering scenario of the country it is the most dynamic and challenging job as the cadres have to deal with the mass people directly.
3)A student whose first choice is admin has to read the areas covering of his own district, Bangladesh affairs including important rivers, ports, food production, geographical location, enclaves, national days, historical places, national anthem, Bengali literature, liberation war, awards, games and sports, historical back ground of Bangladesh(1947-71),Famous people etc
4) For international affairs he has to read the topic covering the areas of recent political change-over across the world, international organizations like SAARC, ASEAN, BIMSTEC, OIC, NAM etc. in which Bangladesh as a active member working relentlessly to bright the image of the country and international games and sports.
5)Some important topics related to admin cadres which are very much important includes structure of administration; function and responsibility of AC land, UNO, DC, cabinet secretary, local govt. upazila parishad and autonomous govt. bodies of the country.
For many reasons I would like to join administration cadre:
1. Questions: why do you like admin as your first choice?
Sample answer:
1) First of all, administration is the heart of a country which executes the strategy and policy of the govt. up to the grass root level of a country to project the hopes and aspirations of mass people. By joining administration cadre I want to be one of the parts of this noble mission with a view to propagating the overall development of the country.
2) Secondly it unveils the scopes to be introduced with the mass people to know the real scenario of the country and it also directs how the problems of the citizens can be solved following the most possible way.
3) Thirdly, Scores of opportunities are available for the administration cadres as they can work on deputation assigned to any ministry and department and a lot of experienced gathered by them are very much helpful to be experienced furthermore in realms of designating strategy and policy of the govt.
4) Fourthly, administration cadres enjoy the highest honor and prestige in the country which is quite rare in other cadres.
5) Fifthly tight civil administration plays the most important role to establish full-fledged democracy of a country and in the light of this philosophy admin cadres play the strategic roles to set up the foundation of accountability and transparency of the govt. works.
6) Last but not the least, to establish a real digital golden Bengal by 2021 which is the core dream of millions of people of the country admin cadres plays the leadership role to make their dream come to reality.
That’s all sir.
Few More general Questions for Admin Cadre
2. Introduce yourself with your academic back ground?
3. How do you combine your first choice with your subject?
4. # Assistant Commissioner এর কাজ
# AC land এর কাজ
# UNO এর কাজ
# DC এর কাজ
5. Describe your own district in English
6. Describe any burning issue like economic recession, global warming, traffic jam etc.
7. About Bangabondhi Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
8. Abour sectors commanders of liberation war
9. About constitution with latest amendments.
10.About information of the current economic review along with budget in details.
# সংস্থাপন মন্ত্রণালয়ের নাম পরিবর্তন করে জনপ্রশাসন করা হয়েছে। এ বিষয়ে আপনি কি মনে করেন?
# মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রীর জনপ্রশাসন বিষয়ক উপদেষ্টার প্রোফাইল (short)
# জনপ্রশাসন সচিবের প্রোফাইল (short)
# Local government problems – power UNO & upazilla chairman.
# Admin cadre এর পদক্রম (both field & ministry)
# দেশ পরিচিতি – মানে কতটা জেলা, উপজেলা, বিভাগ, সিটি কর্পোরেশন, ইউনিয়ন
# সর্ব উত্তরের/দক্ষিণের/পূর্ব/পশ্চিমের জেলা/উপজেলা
# বড়/ছোট জেলা/উপজেলা/ইউনিয়ন
# Warrant of Precedence
# মুক্তিযুদ্ধে আমলাদের ভূমিকা
Reading materials include:
>Any guide book like professor, oracle or saifur publication.
>Bangladesh pocket constitution book.
>National budget book.
>Economic review book
>History book( part –liberation war of Bangladesh)
>website: dc@(district name)
>Daily Ittefaq
>Daily prothom alo
>The daily star
>collection of the atlas along with Bangladesh map.

In this most-modern world there is no shortage of source as we have the internet, one of the wonders of modern science. Depending on the necessity, students can use a variety of source for the same topic but due to shortage of time and energy many a times we loose our heart to keep us in the path of hard endeavour. In fact there is no hard and fast rule for taking preparation as what suits for you that is the best.

Wish you all the best.
Courtesy ByMehebub Haque,
Assistant Commissioner,Customs & Exices (30th BCS)


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