Of all the scandals that have shaken Donald Trumps move around, who could have imagined that the most damaging might be the have an effect on Trump has bragged practically thus often for decades?

The Republican nominees rather lascivious attitude toward women has never been something he shied away from; indeed, he has boasted for years of his conquests and his gleeful objectification of women. Now his actions toward women threatens to doom a excite that was already limping.

Sexual-Assault Allegations

Where and when: Various, 1970s-2005

The Beauty Pageant Scandals  

Where and when: Various, 1992-present

The Undocumented Polish Workers   

Where and when: New York City, 1980

Racial Housing Discrimination   

Where and when: New York City, 1973-1975

Breaking Casino Rules   

Where and when: New York and New Jersey, various

Mafia Ties   

Where and when: New York and Atlantic City, 1970s- ?

Trump University   

Where and when: 2005-2010, online

The Four Bankruptcies   

Where and when: 1991, 1992, 2004, 2009


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