Major characteristics of participatory democracy:
  1. The important trait of participatory democracy is people will have the opportunity to directly participate in the functions and decision-making processes of state and there shall be no provision for delegating power to another body or organ.
  2. At all stages of state administration (even local levels) people are the determining factors and that cannot be challenged or “done away with to facilitate representative system.
  3. Though Rousseau was the supporter of participatory democracy, he did not favour party system. In modern times, it is recommended that party system is essential for the smooth functioning of participatory democracy. Only political party can organise such democracy and lead it to the stage of success.
  4. A system which has accepted participatory democratic system remodels and remoulds the social and political structure so that democracy can function smoothly.
  5. Creation of institutions and organisation is not enough; in such a system there is an ever-vigilance to maintain these in suitable manner.
  6. Though unanimity is emphasised, to make this form of democracy workable, there shall be an option for majority decision system.
  7. In participatory democracy, equality is always stressed. Particularly political equality is the sine qua non of such democratic system.
  8. Rights, liberties are also equally highlighted.
Formally, participatory democracy is direct democracy in which all citizens are actively involved in all important decisions. The explanation commonly refers to movements, such as the Civil Rights Movement or the Women’s Suffrage Movement that gather a group of people who democratically make decisions about the direction of the group. But the phrase “participatory democracy” has come to mean the right of citizens in a democracy to participate. Participating in a democracy by voting is one part of a larger freedom that allows the citizens of a community, and our nation, to make change. A free press is one part of a freedom because it gives citizens the right to be informed. But the part of a larger freedom that is often ignored, or underappreciated, is participation.


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