
·       Stains appear as a spots or patches, of grease, oil or dyes of different color, in a neat & clean finished fabric’s surface. It is a common defect.

·       Dyeing machine do not cleaned thoroughly, after dyeing a lot.
·       Grease, oil & rust stains from unguarded moving machine’s parts like; Gears, Shafts, Driving pulls& Trolley wheels, and irons plates.
·       During transportation, fabric touched in the floor or soiled/dirty places.
·       Handling of the fabric, with dirty hands or stepping into the stored fabric with dirty feet or shoes on.
·       After dyeing the machine should be wash & clean properly.
·       Follow the dyeing cycle of LIGHT-MEDIUM- DARK shades & then reverse the cycle, while dyeing the fabrics.
·       All the lubricated machine parts should be protected, with safety guards.
·       Make sure that the fabrics is neatly packed or covered by clean polythene, while storeing.

·       Handle the fabric with carefully, with clean hands, do not step on the fabric.


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