Surface Hairiness & Piling:-

·       Surface hairiness appears in the form of excess superfluous fibers, on the surface of the knitted fabrics, which have either been reprocessed, or tumble dried.
·       Piling appears as small fiber balls formed on the fabric surface, due to the entanglement of the loose surface fibers.
·       Factor such as, the fiber staple length, low T.P.M. & fabric construction (With long yarn floats) etc. also contribute to piling.
·       Abrasion due to the contract with rough surfaces.
·       Excessive surface hairiness caused, due to the abrasive tumbling action (Fabric friction in the tumble dryer).
·       Rough dyeing process and abrasive machine surface (Soft flow machine tubes, Tumble dryer drum etc).
·       Reprocessing of the fabric is, also a major cause of piling.
·       Avoid using Tumble dryer.
·       Control shrinkage by maximum fabric relaxation& over feed in the processing.
·       Regularly inspect the fabric contact points on all the machines, for any rough and sharp surface. And rectify.
·       Avoid repeated reprocessing of the fabric .
Use anti piling agent for the fabrics, prone to piling


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