Fabric width Variation:-Image result for dyeing faults
·       Different rolls of the same fabric lot, having difference in the finished width of the fabric.
·       Grey fabric of the same lot, knitted on different makes of knitting machines, having varying number of Needles in the cylinder.
·       Roll to roll difference, in the dyed fabric stretched width, while feeding the fabric on the stenter, compactor or calendar.


·       9The whole lot of grey fabric should be knitted on the same make of knitting machines.
·       For same gauge & diameter of the knitting machines, there can be a difference as high as 40 needles  from one make to other make of the machine, these difference of up to 2”-3” Finished DIA( + or –) of the fabrics.
·       During stenter&finishing, the stretched width of the fabrics should be remaining constant.


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