General Information
Academic Building
Male Student
Female Student:70
Total Teacher:---
Male Hostel :1
Female Hostel:1
Institute Type:Public
Apply Procedure
Application Form can be collected at Principal Office, Jhenidah Govt. Veterinary College, Jhenidah 
PEC Dept., Department of Animal Resources, Khamarbari, Farmgate, Dhaka 
Deans office of CVASU or HSTU or PSTU by depositing Tk. 800/- (non refundable) at any Branch of United Commercial Bank Ltd. (UCBL) to the Acc No: 004511100028189.
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Admission Requirements
1. Applicants must be a citizen of Bangladesh. 
2. Applicants must be obtained total GPA 6.50 in SSC/Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent both (Without 4th subject). Not less than GPA 3.00 in any exam. 
3. Applicants must be obtained GPA 2.00 separately in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and English in SSC/Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent exam. 
4. Applicants who passed SSC/Equivalent before 2013 and HSC/Equivalent before 2015 are not eligible to apply.
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For details visit us on facebook

Admission circular downlod from DLS

For Details Contract Jhenidah Govt. Veterinary College 
Salia, Holidhani, Jhenidah 7300
Phone: 0451-61800, 01710-820625, 01914-168030, Fax: 0451-61802

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