Dairy Engineering:
a. The plate type heater exchange is mostly used in large sizes dairies.
b. Brine-concentrated CaCl or NaCl solution is used for cooling water or milk directly.
c. Solid CO2 is called Dry ice.
d. Pasteurization (3 types)
1. Batch pasteurization – milk heated at 61″C for 30 minutes
2. HTST – milk heated at 7r’C for 15 seconds
3. Ultra HTST – milk heated at 135″C for 2 seconds or no holding time at all
4. Vacreator – used for conditioning and pasteurizing of cream milk.
e. Two most commonly used refrigerators are Ammonia and Freon-10.
f. Hoinogenization is mechanical treatment used to reduce diameter of the fat globule by a factor 10.
g. Sterilization: milk is heated at temperature above 100″C and packed in air tight condition.
h. Types of dairy barns:
1. The stanchion barn (general purpose barn) – cow are housed and milked in the same building.
2. Loose housing barn with milking room (milking house system – cows are covered in covered or partially covered yard, but milked in batches in a special milking house called the milking parlour.
3. The open air barn (loafing barn system) does not have any cover.
4. Pen barns are structures for sheltering and restricting dairy animals.
h. Types of poultry houses:
1. Wire floored poultry house – water trough, roosts, nest, feed trough, expanded metal floor roof, egg retainer are the component of house.
2. Deep litter poultry house, keeping poultry inside a shed all the time (floor area per birds – 0.36 m2).
3. Cages house – built in warm climate. The dimensions of a cage for one bird may be 0.6 x 0.2 x 0.45 m.
4. Brooder house are essential in raising and managing chicks.


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