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Board: Introduce yourself.
Myself: I answered as usual
Board: What does your father do? (Wazed Sir)
Myself: I told about my father.
Board: Why Administration is your first choice? (Wazed Sir)
Myself: I answered
External: How would you implement govt decisions in field level as UNO?
Myself: I answered
External: What would you do if any external force compels you not to implement govt. decision?
Myself: I answered as I knew.
Board: What is reserve?
Myself: I answered
Board: What is the benefit of it?
Myself: I could answer
Board: What happens if it falls or rises?
Myself: (Here Wazed sir helped me to answer the question).
Board: Where is Barapukuria?
Myself: I answered
Board: Why is it famous?
Myself: Coal Mine
Board: Where hard rock is used?
Myself: ……….
Board: Have you heard about ‘purba’ (or paba)?( I could not get the exact word)
Myself: Sorry sir
Then Wazed sir asked me some personal questions.
Board: Which are the northest and southest places in Bangladesh?
Myself: I answered.
Board: Ok, you may go now.
Myself: Thank you sir.

(Most of the questions were asked by the externals. Wazed sir asked only a few questions.)

The experience has been shared by:
Prabhat Barua
Executive Officer
Janata Bank Ltd.


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