Board: Professor Dr. Anowara Begum
Year: 2014
Duration: 10-12mins
Non-cadre type: NBR

Myself: May I come in sir?
Board: Yes come in, sit down.
Board: Introduce yourself.
I told about myself.
Board: what is your opinion about HEFAZAT-E-ISLAM?
Board: Women should not go to school, college or work place; rather they should do household work. It is the opinion of some HUJURS. What do you think about it?
Board: When was Sheikh Rasel born?
Board: Why 20th March is famous?
Board: Tell about the speech of 7th March.
Board: How many customs houses are there in Bangladesh?
Board: Which one is the biggest customs house in Bangladesh?
Myself: Chittagong
Board: What percent of total revenue is earned from Chittagong customs house?
Board: From which year VAT was started?
Board: How many sections are there in NBR?
Myself: 3 (three) – Income tax, VAT & Customs
Board: If you are selected, which sections of NBR will you be appointed?
Board: Where was William Shakespeare born?
Myself: England
Board: Tell the specific place.
Myself: Stratford-upon-Avon
Board: What is Avon?
Myself: the name of a river.
Board: Tell the name of some novels of William Shakespeare.
Myself: He did not write novel.
Board: Have you gone through the tragedies of William Shakespeare?
Myself: Yes ma’am.
Board: Tell a few lines from KING LEAR.
Board: Female characters are more intelligent and active in Shakespearian Plays. Give reference in favor of this statement from his plays.

Thus the viva came to an end and I was finally selected.
Prepared by: Md. Abdus Salam
MA in English, SUST
Now working as a Probationary Officer in a private bank.


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