It  has been shown that the  mycotoxins such as Aflatoxins, ochratoxin and citrinin cause marked pathological changes in the Liver, kidneys, These toxins are commonly found in ingredients  such as maize, soya etc  which are harvested at early summer, due to high moisture content cause severe gastrointestinal disorder producing wet litter and toxicosis.
Through water:
Before use medicine Use Copper Sulphate 1 gm/ 4 lit Dw + Haemeco-Ph 1 ml / 2 lit for 3-4 hrs at early morning water.
I. Liquid Toxin remover like Two-plus,Toxinyl plus-1 ml/lit dw for 5-7 days
II. E-sel-1 ml/lit dw for 5-7 days
III. Nephrocare-1 ml/lit dw for 5-7 days
Through Feed:
I. Toxin binder
II. Enzyme
III. Toxol feed premix
IV. Biosurf


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