Fatty liver syndrome
This problem is more observed at the end of the cold to hot
  •  In most of the birds have heavy abdominal fat which is the main cause of fatty liver syndrome
  •  Excessive subcutaneous fat.
  •  Massive fat deposit in intestines, covering gizzard, kidneys, and base of heart.
  •  Typical yellow liver showing extreme infiltration of fat . normal liver seldom contains as much as 70% fat. lacks the firm texture of a normal organ and may be soft Sometimes hemorrhages occurs beneath liver and evidence of healing may be seen.
These birds cannot tolerate sudden increase of temperature and humidity causing heavy losses due to mortality and production.
i)In water use of drugs for fatty liver syndrome such as Toxol liquid-1 ml/lit Dw for 7-10 days.
ii) 100 grams of choline chloride per 100 kg of feed.
iii) In feed use of Toxol feed premix 100-150 gm per 100 kg feed for a month.
iv) ) In feed use of Lecithins ,Trimethylglycine (Betaine),( Biosurf @ 50 gm/100 kg feed)


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