Heat stress:
Heat Stress not only causes suffering and death in the birds, but results in reduced or lost production. Poultry birds are comfortable when environmental temperature is within the range of 65  to 75 °F (18 to 24 °C ). In  summer when maximum day temperature hovering around 41°C (106ºF)lead to serious  problems of heat stress.
Prevention of Heat Stress:
i)  Adequate air movement and Cool/iced water consumption
ii) Fasting during heat stress: Feed withdrawal from 9 am to 4.30 pm. This is very effective in reducing  heat stress mortality
iii) Poultry farms, with trees and lawns around and getting good breeze will have lesser problems in summer season.
iv) Roof insulation
v) Increased ventilation by fans would help to withstand  moderate hot weather.
vi) Care should be taken to avoid overcrowding and to provide shade to overhead water tanks and pipe system.
vii) Medicines should be administered at the early morning when temp. is low
viii) Extra midnight feeding/17 hrs lighting
ix) Light in early morning
x) Wire clean regularly
xi) Keep out mud pots a lot of/Hang out gunny bags on the sides
xii) Spray with water
xiii) On the roof wet gunny bags/Coconut leaves/straw may be give for reduce heat
Treatment of Heat Stress:
Through drinking water:
I. Vit-C- 1 gm/2-3  lit)
II. Electrolyte saline-1 gm/2 lit
III. Acetyl salicylic acid
IV. Sodium bicarbonate  1gr/Litre
V. Potassium  chloride ( KCl) 125 mg/Litre
Through feed:
I. Sodium bicarbonate  100- 500 gm/100 kg feed
II. Higher fat/Oil in feed with biosurf
III. Supplementation of probiotic Lactobacillus sp. may enrich diversity of microflora in chicken.Restore microbial balance in jejunum and caeca.Reduce harmful effect of heat stress.


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