box and whisker plot maker এর চিত্র ফলাফল

Box Plots

  1. Enter the data. 
  2. box and whisker plot maker এর চিত্র ফলাফল
  3. Turn off any regular plots: Hit Y= and position the cursor over any equal sign which is in inversed video (white on black) by arrowing left and then down if necessary. Hit enter while the cursor is on the equal sign to toggle between displaying the function (equal sign highlighted) and not displaying the function (equal sign not highlighted).
  4. Press the STATPLOT key (2nd Y=)
  5. Select a plot (usually plot 1) and hit enter
  6. Turn the plot on by highlighting the ON and pressing enter.
  7. Set the TYPE to box-plot (3rd type)
  8. Set the XLIST to the list you put the data into
  9. Set the FREQ to 1.
  10. Zoom to Statistics mode (ZOOM 9)box and whisker plot maker এর চিত্র ফলাফল
You hit the TRACE key with the box plot displayed to find the five numbers associated with it. You may use the left and right arrow keys to find all five numbers. Note that the calculator uses the quartiles instead of the hinges. The hinges and quartiles are the same unless the remainder when the sample size is divided by four is three.


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