Typical Characteristics:

  • Formation: Mollisols form by the accumulation of calcium-rich organic matter. In the Midwestern United States, these soils formed in the dense root system of prairie grasses.
  • Physical Traits: The surface horizon of Mollisols is deep and rich in calcium, magnesium, and organic matter. The soil is often dark in color and has a soft texture. The CEC of these soils is more than 50% saturated with calcium, magnesium, nitrate, and magnesium. These soils can contain swelling clays that have poor drainage.
  • Productivity: Mollisols are naturally highly productive soils.

Moderately Weathered, Fertile Soils of Maui:

Millisols of Maui
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  • Ewa Series
  • Iao Series
  • Kamaole Series
  • Kaupo Series
  • Keawakapu
  • Paia Series
  • Pulehu Series
  • Wahikuli Series
  • Waiakoa Series
  • Wailuku Series
  • Wainee Series

Unique Characteristics of Maui County Mollisols:

There are many soil series that fall into the order of Mollisols on Maui. The Paia Series is one series that has agricultural importance.
Paia Series
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  • Location: The Paia eries is located in the isthmus of Maui, among which the majority of the island’s Mollisols moderately-weathered, fertile soils are located. The Paia Series comprises of 5,600 acres in the uplands, with elevations ranging between sea level and 1,000 ft.
  • Texture: Silty clay
  • Rainfall and Temperature: The average annual rainfall is between 25 and 40 inches, and the average annual temperature is approximately 73 degrees F.
  • Slope: Gentle to moderate
  • Parent Material: The Paia Series formed from weathered basic igneous rock, and some volcanic ash.
  • Depth: Surface layer is very deep and extends 19 inches. Subsoil is 41 inches in depth.
  • Physical Traits: The soil is well-drained with slow to medium runoff and moderate permeability.
  • Color of Surface Horizon: Dark reddish brown
  • Fertility: The Paia Series is naturally high in plant nutrients, such as calcium.
  • Acidity: mildly alkaline
  • Natural Vegetation<: ilima, kiawe, lantana, among others.
  • Agricultural Use: Irrigated sugarcane.


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