Histology of Trachea, Bronchial tree & Bronchus

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Histology of Respiratory System

 Defination: Respiratory system consists of the lungs and a series passage leading to them.On the basis of their primary functions,the different parts of respiratory system can be classified into two portion-
1.Conducting  portion  and
2.Respiratory  portion

 Conducting Portion:Provide  a series of air passage and serve a protective function by conditioning the incoming air.The conditioning includes-
  a)Heating the air to body temperature
  b)Moistening the air to prevent desiccation of alveoli
  C)Filtering out the noxious gases and particles.

The Conducting Portion: It Consists of-
 1.Nasal Cavity- It  includes:
                                      -- Cutaneous region
                                         -- Respiratory region
                                         -- Olfactory region
                                         -- Vomaronasal region
                                         -- Paranasal sinus
2. Nasopharynx
3. Larynx
4. Pharynx
5. Trachea
6. Bronchi
7. Bronchioles  
 Respiratory Portion: Gasious exchange take place in this portion.It consists of—
                                                                               i.            Respiratory bronchioles
                                                                             ii.            Alveolar duct
                                                                          iii.            Alveolar sac

                                                                          iv.            Alveoli                                                  


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