Meaning of TCM:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an inclu­sive coordination of medical contemplation, pathophysiological concepts and therapeutic in­terventions, that develops out of the matrix of Chi­nese civilization over a period spanning more than 4000 years.
Chinese medicinal system has gotten its debut by taking references from Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine based on the idea that all life is subjected to natural laws and Yin-Yang theory.
These two theories were developed separately and differ in terms of diagnosis and therapy. The primary modality of TCM is the use of an extensive Pharmacopoeia of over 6000 herbal and other natural products for the preventions and treatment of diseases and the promotion of health.
TCM has been spread to Ja­pan and Korea earlier during post-cultural revolu­tion and gained its popularity as Kampoh system of medicine. Although it has developed its own characters giving due impor­tance of the styles of corresponding countries their simplicity and spontaneity, still the basic ideas remain alike. Even in USA, TCM has gained its acceptability now a day.


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