agronomy definition এর চিত্র ফলাফলWhat is agronomy? This is another question that is as important as what is horticulture? in relation to the study and practice of plant agriculture. For those who desire to specialize in either agronomy or horticulture, the two main divisions of crop production, it is important to be able to distinguish between the two, or at least learn when both terms may apply to the same crop, or when an outright answer has to be deferred.
It will be embarassing to find oneself stammering when suddenly asked to explain what is agronomy or required to give its definition ( or horticulture, or agriculture). Familiarity of the terms and their scope will also simplify literature research. For example, any one who wishes to find information on cereal crops can likely find the same from books on agronomy rather than on horticulture.
However, it should be realized that the distinction between agronomy and horticulture is not well established. Both terms can also apply to the same crop. This is so with grain or forage corn (agronomic) and sweet or young corn (horticultural) as well as pineapple grown for fiber (agronomic) and those grown for fruit (horticultural).
But primary usage is not the only basis of distinction. Certain global development may cause a significant change that will affect the traditional uses of certain crops. For example, an increase in the world market demand for coconut water from young nuts may drastically affect the production of mature nuts for copra. In addition, other criteria of classification such as the intensity of care and value of the product are also considered, and these may vary with time and place.

In the Philippines, sweet potato and white potato, as well as field beans, are considered horticultural crops based on their intensive management. However, they are classified as agronomic crops in countries where they are grown through mechanized system in extensive scale (Lantican 2002).
According to Janick (2002), the present divisions of agriculture into agronomy and horticulture, as well as forestry, originated with the medieval agriculture in Europe. A system of differentiation was used based on crops and intensity of production. It is agronomy if the production system is in open fields or meadows are utilized to produce grains and fodder for animals. Horticulture was involved with the production of tree fruits and vines, vegetables, ornamental plants, herbs and medicinal plants in kitchen gardens. But, as the distinguished author put it, this system breaks down in the tropics where it is never clear where agronomy ends and horticulture begins.


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