An adaptation research under Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) funded LACC-II project started at coastal saline area of Laudove, Dakope upzila in Khulna district of Bangladesh through on-farm research division of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Khulna Bangladesh during May-June 2008 to May-June 2009. It aimed to find out the appropriate adaptation measures against salinity problem. After selection of adaptation options through three focus group discussions (FGD), homestead vegetable production started immediately with saline/excess soil moisture tolerant vegetables for coastal area. In coastal area several homestead vegetables were successfully produced through scientific management like making ridge and furrowing of bed. There was large participation of women in all the activities of home gardening from land preparation to marketing at Laudove. Through utilization of different niches of homestead farm family succeeded to increase their vegetable consumption three to five folds more from the bench mark, though intake was below recommended level. Economically homestead vegetable production was quite lucrative. Also social relationship of the farm family was improved with neighbors and relatives through free distribution of vegetables. Short duration T. aman rice variety (cv. BINAdhan 4) was tested at Laudove for facilitating timely planting of rabi crops. It gave better yield and one month shortening of field duration was possible. Farmers kept most of the produced seed for next year cultivation. In post-rainy season (Rabi) different field crops were tested, such as relaying (for timely planting and avoiding of increased soil salinity) of mustard, wheat, cowpea and later on creeping crops like watermelon and sweet gourd. Among them cowpea, water melon and sweet gourd proved to be promising.
Adaptation, Salinity, FGD, Vegetable and Short duration.
How to cite
Yusuf Ali, Shah AL-Emran, M. B. Islam, and E. Raheem (2014). Adaptation to climate change in coastal saline area of south-western region of Bangladesh. Int. J. Sustain. Agril. Tech. 10(4): 09-16, April 2014

Assistant Professor of Statistics at University of Northern Colorado

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