statistics এর চিত্র ফলাফলTwo-Way ANOVA Table

It is assumed that main effect A has a levels (and A = a-1 df), main effect B has b levels (and B = b-1 df), n is the sample size of each treatment, and N = abn is the total sample size. Notice the overall degrees of freedom is once again one less than the total sample size.
Source SS df MS F
Main Effect A given A,
SS / df MS(A) / MS(W)
Main Effect B given B,
SS / df MS(B) / MS(W)
Interaction Effect given A*B,
SS / df MS(A*B) / MS(W)
Within given N - ab,
SS / df  
Total sum of others N - 1,
abn - 1


The following results are calculated using the Quattro Pro spreadsheet. It provides the p-value and the critical values are for alpha = 0.05.
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F-crit
Seed 512.8667 2 256.4333 28.283 0.000008 3.682
Fertilizer 449.4667 4 112.3667 12.393 0.000119 3.056
Interaction 143.1333 8 17.8917 1.973 0.122090 2.641
Within 136.0000 15 9.0667      
Total 1241.4667 29        
From the above results, we can see that the main effects are both significant, but the interaction between them isn't. That is, the types of seed aren't all equal, and the types of fertilizer aren't all equal, but the type of seed doesn't interact with the type of fertilizer.

Error in Bluman Textbook

The two-way ANOVA, Example 13-9, in the Bluman text has the incorrect values in it. The student would have no way of knowing this because the book doesn't explain how to calculate the values.
Here is the correct table:
Source of Variation SS df MS F
Sample 3.920 1 3.920 4.752
Column 9.680 1 9.680 11.733
Interaction 54.080 1 54.080 65.552
Within 3.300 4 0.825  
Total 70.980 7    
The student will be responsible for finishing the table, not for coming up with the sum of squares which go into the table in the first place.


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