They come under class Amphibia
They come under class Reptilia
Habit and habitat
They usually stay near water sources to prevent drying out, and have smooth skin.
They are groups of animals that breathe air, have scales on their bodies, and lay eggs.
Gills, skin and lungs
Ectothermic (Poikilothermic or cold-blooded)
Ectothermic (Poikilothermic or cold-Blooded)
Yes. Breathes water through gills until it develops lungs.
No. Looks like a miniature adult when born.
Two atria and one ventricle
3-chambered, two atria and one ventricle. But ventricle is partially divided.
Crocodiles have 4-chambered heart.
Short fore- limbs and long hind limbs. They are generally pentadactyl (with five webbed digits).
Four limbs are present (except snakes).
Smooth, moist, rather sticky skin. Mucous glands are present.
Dry and scaly. Scales are made of keratin. Skin is found underneath the scales.
Soft gel surrounding their eggs without any hard covering. Usually found in water or damp places.
Amniotic egg. Have hard, leathery eggs laid on land or they keep eggs in their bodies until they hatch.
Sexual. External fertilization
Sexual. Internal fertilization
Frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, caecilians or blindworms etc
Snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles

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