Discovery of Mycoviruses:

Mycoviruses recorded in view of that far away away do something morphologically variable forms, viz., bacilliform, rod- shaped, filamentous and herpes types. But majority of the known mycoviruses are typically isodiametric ranging usually from 25 and 50 nm in diameter and particle weight from 6-13 x 106 dalton.
Image result for Mycoviruses

The most outstanding feature common to mycoviruses is possession of double-ashore ribonucleic acid (dsRNA) usually segmented into 1-8 segments when than a quantity molecular weight of 2 to 8.5 x 106 dalton.

The dsRNA segments are separately enclosed into identical capsids. This feature of mycoviruses differentiates them from plant and animal dsRNA viruses in which the genetic material segments are, usually, all enclosed in a single virion.
Replication of Mycoviruses:

Replication of mycoviruses inside the fungal cell has been reviewed by Buck (1979, 1980). He has reported some host enzymes warm of transcribing the ssRNA and dsRNA in laboratory conditions and probably dsRNA in vivo.

Highly specific virus-coded RNA polymerases are necessary for effective in vivo transcription and replication of dsRNA. Such polymerase has been reported in some dsRNA mycoviruses. It is thought that the polymerases remain confined within the virion during the replicative cycle of mycoviruses.

The mechanism of infection and transmission of mycoviruses is yet profound. They have been found in fungal spores and it is believed that they are transmitted through the spores. The presence of viral-RNA in the fungal cells does not appear to show any cellular properties such as antibiotic production.

For example Penicillium notation contains a dsRNA mycovirus, but penicillin production by the fungus is not affected at each and every one. In recent years the dsRNA mycoviruses have attracted the attention of scientists past they have finishing to induce interferon production in animal cells. Also, they operate not appear to the animal cells be toxic unlike supplementary chemicals that induce interferon production.


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