I.              The cell
                A.            Cells are fundamental organizational units of all living things
                B.            Types of cells
                                1.             Prokaryotic
                                2.             Eukaryotic
                                                a)             Plant
                                                b)             Animal
II.            Protoplast
                A.            Protoplasm within membrane / cell contents without the cell wall
III.           Organelles

                A.            Cell wall

                                1.             Plants
plants এর চিত্র ফলাফল                                2.             Support, structure, & protection
                B.            Nucleus
                                1.             Genetic information - DNA
                                2.             Cell regulation - "the brains"
                C.            Chloroplasts
                                1.             Plants
                                2.             Photosynthesis
                                                a)             Thylakoids - light capture
                                                b)             Stroma - conversion to sugar
                                3.             Contain some DNA
                D.            Mitochondria
                                1.             Energy from sugars
                                2.             Contain some DNA
                E.             Cytomembrane system
                                1.             Packaging & transport
                                                a)             Golgi apparatus (dictyosomes)
                                                b)             Endoplasmic reticulum
                                                c)             Ribosomes
                F.             Microbodies
                                1.             Peroxisomes - photorespiration
                                2.             Glyoxisomes - conversion of fats into sugars
                G.            Microtubules - movement & wall synthesis
                H.            Ergastic materials
                                1.             Starch grains - storage
                I.              Vacuoles
                                1.             Storage
                                2.             Waste
                                3.             Water regulation


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