1. Absorption of Monosaccharide’s:
Sites of absorption of nutrients and drugs in gastrointestinal tract
All carbohydrates are absorbed as monosaccharide’s in stomach and jejunum. Glucose and galactose are absorbed by active trans­port. Sodium pump of the cell membrane helps in its active take up.
Fructose is ab­sorbed by facilitated transport. Glucose, galactose and fructose are absorbed into the blood capillaries. The most rapidly transported monosaccharide is galactose with glucose running a close second.
2. Absorption of Amino acids:

Amino acids are absorbed by active transport and some amino acids are absorbed by facili­tated transport. It occurs mainly in the duodenum and jejunum. Normally 95-98% of amino acids are absorbed in the small intestine. They also enter the blood stream .

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