Image result for nematodeGeneral life cycle of nematodes:
  • Nematodes are either oviparous, ovo-viviparous or viviparous/larviparous
  • The basic life cycle is very simple:
      • egg→L1→L2→L3→L4→Adult
·         The life cycle either direct or indirect (1 or 2 I/H)
·         with a moult between each larval stage, usually 4 moult/ecdyses take place but in some cases one moult may be omitted.
·         Periods between moults consist of 2 phases:
    •  Active/feeding phase : The larvae feed and grow
    •  Inactive/lethargic phase: structural changes take place for the preparation of next moult.
·         Generally after 2nd moult the L3 larvae become infective to the final host & cuticle is usually retained as protective sheath.
·         Migratory worm- in most cases the larvae travel through the host tissue & finally reach to the gut
·         Non migratory worm –little migratory occurs which is limited to the intestinal wall.
·         The migratory worms whose predilection site is gut follows 2 routes-

  1. Blood stream (hepatic tracheal route)
  2. Lymphatic stream (lymphatic tracheal route)

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