Found mainly in Gram negative organisms, Fimbriae or pili (singlular: pilus) are hair like filaments (tiny hollow projections) that extend from the cell membrane into the external environment.
Length: up to 2 µm
Types: Two general types of Pili are known they are:
- Sex pili (long conjugation pili or F pili) and
- Common pili (short attachment pili also called fimbriae).
- Common pili (Adhesins): They mediate the attachment
of bacteria to specific receptors on the human cell surface, which is
the first step in establishing infection in some organisms. They
contribute to the pathogenicity of certain bacteria—their ability to
produce disease—by enhancing colonization on the surfaces of the cells
of other organisms.
Example: Mutants of Neisseria gonorrhoeae that do not form pili are nonpathogen. - Sex pili (conjugation tube): It is a specialized kind of pili that forms the attachment between male (donor) and the female (recipient) bacteria during conjugation and acts as a conduit for the passage of DNA. This process is well characterized in the gram negative bacillus Escherichia coli.
- Some pili are also involved in biofilm formation, phage transduction, DNA uptake and a special form of bacterial cell movement, known as ‘twitching motility’
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