I.             Overview
                A.            Photosynthesis (energy & CO2 fixation) - chloroplasts
                B.            Respiratory & secondary metabolism
                                1.             Glycolysis - cytoplasm
                                2.             Krebs (Citric acid cycle) - mitochondrion
                                3.             Electron transport & oxidative phosphorylation - mitochondrion
II.            Glycolysis [glucose and fructose from Calvin cycle (photosynthesis)]
                A.            Glucose - glucose-6-p - fructose-6-p - fructose 1,6-dp - PGAL (=DHAP) - 1,3-dp-glycerate - 3-p-glycerate - 2-p-glycerate - phosphoenolpyruvate - pyruvate
                B.            Initial step(s) - energy requiring (2 ATP)
                C.            Subsequent steps
                                1.             Two - substrate-level phosphorylations (4 ATP)
                                2.             One - reduction of NAD to NADH (2 NADH)
                D.            Yield - 2 ATP & 2 NADH
                E.            Final product - 2 pyruvates
III.          Alternatives after glycolysis
                A.            Lactic acid - 2 ATP (no NADH) ... intense muscle activity (little O2 available)
                B.            Ethanol - 2 ATP (no NADH) ... fermentation
                C.            Krebs Cycle - (2 ATP) and oxidative phosphorylation (32 ATP)
IV.          Krebs Cycle - mitochondrial matrix
                A.            [pyruvate - acetyl CoA] - citrate - isocitrate - alpha-ketoglutarate - succinyl CoA - succinate - fumarate - malate - oxaloacetate - w/acetyl CoA - citrate
                B.            Initial step(s) - pyruvate converted to acetyl CoA [CO2 emission and NADH production] - acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetate (4 carbon) to form citrate (6 carbon)
                C.            All steps from pyruvate to CO2
                                1.             Cycle (two trips) - 2 GTP (2 ATP), 8 NADH, and 2 FADH2
                D.            Final product - 6 CO2
V.            Electron transport system & oxidative phosphorylation - inner mitochondrial membrane
                A.            Convert NADH & FADH2 to ATP
                                1.             NADH (glycolysis) = 2 ATP -            4 ATP
                                2.             NADH (Krebs) = 3 ATP      -             24 ATP
                                3.             FADH2 (Krebs) = 2 ATP     -             4 ATP
                B.            How is it done?  H+ gradient (opposite of chloroplast)
                                1.             NADH & FADH2 give up H+ to outer compartment (High outside)
                                2.             H+ is then pumped back in and ATP is produced
                C.            Net yield of ATP
                                1.             From oxidative phosphorylation - 32 ATP
                                2.             Substrate level phosphorylation - 4 ATP
                                3.             TOTAL............................ 36 ATP
VI.          Secondary metabolism
                A.            From glycolysis & Krebs
                                1.             Fats, glycerol, fatty acids, amino acids, & proteins
                                                a)            Example:  Carbohydrate - (ribose) - nucleic acid
                                                b)            Example:  Amino acid - (glycine) - hemoglobin
                                                c)             Example:  Amino acid - (glutamate) - chlorophyll

                                               C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 36 ADP + 36 Pi ===> 6CO2 + 36 ATP + 6H2O

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