Skewing or Diagonal Grain lines (Wales)

·       Fabric wales appear in the diagonal direction to the edges of the fabric , instead of being parallel.
·       Improper feeding of the fabric, while calendaring & compacting.
·       Keep the slit line on one side of the tubular fabric.
·       Use a slit line as a reference line to keep the grain line straight, while feeding the fabric slowly, on the calendar or compacting machine.
dyeing wool এর চিত্র ফলাফল
8. Color Fading (Poor color fastness):
The color of garments or fabric appears, Lighter & pale, in comparison to the original color of the products,after few washes.
  1. (Washing, Crocking, Chlorine, Light, Perspiration).
  2. Dyeing recipe i.e. the poor fixing of the dyes is a major causes, of the fading.
  3. Using wrong combination of the colors in a secondary or tertiary shade.
  4. Use the strong detergents & the quality of water are common causes for color fading.
  5. Prolonged exposure to strong light will also causes of color fade.
  6. High level of acidity & alkalinity in the perspiration of individuals also, causes of color fade.

  1. Use the correct dyeing recipe i. e. the appropriate leveling, fixing agents and the correct combination of dyes.
  2.  Follow the wash care instructions rigidly.
  3. Use mild detergents & soft water for washing the garments.
  4. Don’t soak the garments for more than 10-15 minutes, in the detergent, prior to washing.
  5. Turn the wet garments, inside out, while drying.
  6. Don’t dry the garments directly in the sunlight.
  7. Protect the garments against prolonged direct exposure to strong light.


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